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The CTV culture

CTV considers that relationships of trust and closeness with its Clients in an independent, impartial, impartial and confidential manner are the basis for success.

Integrity, honesty and ethical quality are concepts guaranteed in the day-to-day activities of CTV, which are supervised by the independent Ethics Committee.

The Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee

Although the Ethics Committee does not make legal or disciplinary assessments, it is responsible for:

  1. Analyse issues that raise ethical problems within the scope of CTV's activities, responsibilities and external relations.

  2. Prepare opinions and recommendations whenever a potential risk to the impartiality of CTV is identified.

  3. Assess the adequacy of CTV's Impartiality Policy.

  4. Evaluate the CTV Risk Matrix.

  5. Provide an opinion on Processes, Claims and/or Appeals, when requested.

Exposure of irregularities

According to the skills that exist in this independent body, if you detect any behaviour or situation in which the principles set out here are not safeguarded, please report this situation to the Committee (using the form below).


All situations submitted for consideration considered confidential and must be presented clearly and in as much detail as possible (preferably including the process number or service identification).

Reservation right

The Ethics Committee reserves the right not to respond to, or interact with, interlocutors who reveal clear bad faith, present inappropriate content, or expose anonymous complaints whose grounds are manifestly insufficient for analysis.


The Ethics Committee will not manage situations that do not fall within the scope of what is described here. For other matters related to CTV activities, we recommend consulting the contact page on the website.

Thanks for sending!

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